How to Grow and Care for All Types of Alocasia Plants (Elephant’s Ear)


Alocasia plants are lush, large, lovely, and low-maintenance—the perfect green companions. These towering tropical beauties are members of the Araceae family, alongside other popular houseplants, like Philodendron and Monstera. There are 80 recognized species of this plant.

Fast-growing alocasias favor the warmth and humidity of their native rainforest habitats. The best way to care for them would be to provide lots of filtered sunlight, consistently moist, fertile, well-draining soil, high humidity levels, and temperatures between 65° and 85°F.

Alocasia plants are grown for their stunning and sizable foliage, with leaves that can measure up to 3 feet long. They have slender and sturdy stems growing from hidden rhizomes. These plants rarely flower, but when they do, expect creamy white blooms and bright red berries. 

Discover everything you need to know about Alocasia plants, including how to successfully grow and care for them, in this in-depth guide.

What Are Alocasia Plants?

Alocasia (Alocasia spp.), commonly known as elephant’s ear, is a group of broad-leaved, herbaceous perennial plants native to the tropical regions of Asia and Eastern Australia. There are 80 recognized species of Alocasia plants, and they belong to the Arum or Araceae family.

These plants can grow up to 6 to 8 feet tall or even higher in their native habitats. Alocasias are known for their bold, huge, arrow-shaped leaves with variously colored veins. They grow from an underground rhizome, bloom green and white flowers, and bear red to orange berry-like fruit.

Because of their exotic beauty and minimal care requirements, Alocasias are usually grown as houseplants, but they can also thrive outdoors during the warmer months. All parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to humans and pets, so caution is needed.

How to Care for Alocasia Plants?

You can care for an Alocasia by providing plenty of bright shade or dappled sunlight from a window, using high-quality, nutrient-rich potting mix, watering to keep the soil evenly moist, avoiding temperature drops below 60°F, and fertilizing monthly during the growing season.

Caring for Alocasia plants can be tricky, depending on the variety you have. However, with the right growing conditions, they can thrive as exotic-looking tropical houseplants with eye-catching foliage that will surely liven up your home.

Here’s a detailed Alocasia care guide to help you keep your plants healthy and happy:

Provide Sunlight

Like most tropical plants, light requirements for Alocasia include lots of bright indirect light, preferably from an east or west-facing window. If you want to bring your plant outdoors during the warmer months, place it in a spot that receives partial shade or dappled sunshine.

For homes and rooms that don’t receive enough light, you can always use artificial grow lights to supplement your Alocasia’s needs. Be careful not to overdo it, though, as too much sun exposure can scorch your plant’s leaves and result in crispy, brown edges or spots.

Some Alocasia species are more shade tolerant than others. The ones that require more light to survive typically have lighter or colorful leaves, like Alocasia amazonica. Your plant may be able to tolerate a spot that’s too shady, but it may exhibit slow growth and little to no new leaves.

One good tip is to ask your Alocasia grower or seller about the amount of sunlight needed by your plant or check the plant label. Signs that an Alocasia isn’t receiving enough light are yellow, pale, drooping, or unusually small leaves, leggy or leaning stems, and stunted growth.

Mix Soil

Alocasia plants prefer slightly acidic soil. It needs to be nutrient-rich, loose, and well-draining while at the same time retaining enough moisture to keep your plant hydrated. It should also be aerated, with plenty of oxygen for the roots. A standard peat-based potting mix is a great option.

You can also use high-quality all-purpose potting mix from a garden center or just mix your own soil for Alocasia. A good soil recipe to try would be 1 part potting mix, 1 part orchid bark, 1 part coco coir, and ¼ part perlite. You can also include worm castings or compost for more nutrients.

Alocasia plants don’t do well in clay soil or standing water. So, if your soil lacks drainage, consider adding amendments like peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, orchid bark, or coco coir. You can also raise the soil pH by adding limestone powder or lower it by adding aluminum sulfate.

Check the soil moisture every 1 to 4 days, depending on the season. You can feel for dampness using your finger or use a moisture meter for accuracy. Ensure that your planters or pots have adequate drainage holes, and see to it that water doesn’t pool at the bottom of the container.

Add Water

Knowing when to water Alocasia is crucial, as dry or soggy soil can cause plant stress and, in severe cases, even death. A good rule of thumb is to water your plant when the top 2 to 3 inches of its soil are dry to the touch. This means your watering frequency may vary per season.

When watering, thoroughly soak your Alocasia and allow the water to flow into its pot and come out of the drainage hole. To prevent root rot and other fungal infections, remove any standing water in the saucer under the pot and wait for the top inches to dry before watering again.

Alocasias grow fast in the summer, but they become dormant in the winter, which is when you should reduce watering. Did you know that these plants are highly sensitive to chlorine, chemicals, and minerals present in tap water? This can cause them to develop leaf spots.

If possible, water your plant using distilled or filtered water. Another option is to let your tap water sit overnight in a bucket or watering can before using it to allow unwanted chemicals to evaporate. Alocasias aren’t drought tolerant, and a lack of water will cause foliage to turn brown.

Control Temperature

Most Alocasia species require temperatures between 65° to 85°F. They prefer greenhouse-like conditions that mimic their native habitats, which are tropical rainforests, humid lowlands, and jungles in Asia and Australia. Alocasia hardiness zones are 10 to 12 (USDA).

Keep your plant away from windows, doors, and air conditioners, as they’re sensitive to cool drafts. You can move your Alocasia outdoors when the weather is warm but don’t forget to bring it back before the temperatures drop below 60°F, as these plants don’t tolerate frost.

As tropical plants, Alocasias thrive in humid conditions, around 50% humidity level or higher is best. Using a humidifier, regularly misting Alocasia leaves, and positioning your plant in the kitchen, laundry room, or steamy bathroom can help keep it happy with the humidity. 

One trick to increase humidity for your plant is to put it on a tray filled with pebbles, then pour water until it reaches just below the bottom of the pot. Watch out for discoloration, drooping or wilting leaves, and stunted growth, as these are signs of temperature stress in Alocasias.

Provide Fertilizer

Feed your Alocasia with a liquid houseplant fertilizer 1 to 2 times a month during its growing season in the spring and summer. This extra dose of nutrients will ensure strong roots and healthy foliage. During the warmer months, your plant may produce a new leaf every week.

The best fertilizer for Alocasia would be a general-purpose mix with a 20-20-20 formulation of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Nitrogen encourages photosynthesis and promotes the speedy growth of roots and foliage. Potassium increases plant immunity and drought tolerance.

Phosphorus is essential to root development and helps convert plant nutrients into usable forms. Your Alocasia will also need other nutrients, like Calcium, Magnesium, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sulfur, and Carbon. You can use commercial fertilizers specifically for Alocasias.

Choose a slow-release fertilizer or dilute liquid fertilizer to half-strength to lessen the risk of leaf burn. Leaf discoloration and burnt brown tips are signs of over-fertilization, so if you spot those, ease up on the feeding. Meanwhile, lackluster growth may be a sign of under-fertilization.

You can press pause on fertilizing your plant in the fall and winter seasons when your Alocasia goes dormant. Resume feeding when your Alocasia comes back to life in the springtime.

How to Grow Alocasia Plants?

Alocasia plants are easy and quick to propagate by root or rhizome division, which is what most gardeners usually do. Growing Alocasia from seeds is a more time-consuming process, but it’s still possible as long as you provide the right growing conditions for your plant.

To grow an Alocasia, harvest ripe seeds from a mature plant or purchase them from a reputable producer or local nursery. Sow the seeds on the surface of high-quality potting mix in a container with holes, and sprinkle the mix on top. Keep it moist until the seeds start to sprout.

According to NC State Extension’s Plant Toolbox, it can take up to 600 days for Alocasias to mature into full-sized plants. But, if you’re willing to wait, your efforts will eventually be rewarded in the form of vibrant evergreen foliage and the sight of Alocasia’s vast and magnificent leaves.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to grow Alocasia plants from tiny seeds to towering tropical giants:

1. Prepare Your Alocasia Seeds

If you have a mature Alocasia that has recently flowered and produced hard seed pods, you can harvest its seeds as soon as the pods have dried out and changed color. Gently split open the pods. Most varieties bear reddish berries, which you can pick and squeeze to collect seeds.

Use gloves when handling the Alocasia, as its berries and seeds can irritate bare skin. Clean the seeds by rinsing them under running water or using a paper towel. You can also get high-quality seeds from a local nursery or garden center. Read the seed packets before buying. 

2. Sow and Sustain the Seeds

The next step is to sow your clean Alocasia seeds in moist, loose, high-quality potting mix. Spread the seeds in a clay pot, seed starting tray, or container with adequate drainage holes. Sprinkle a thin layer of potting mix on top so that the seeds are at a depth of about ¼ inch. 

Lightly tamp down the potting mix, and spray a bit of water on your newly planted seeds. Other growers choose to soak the seed overnight before planting them, but this isn’t necessary. Just keep the potting mix damp for the first few weeks through regular misting or spraying.

Pick a spot with lots of bright indirect sunlight for your Alocasia seeds. Most tropical plants, including Alocasia, need warm temperatures ranging from 70° to 85°F to germinate well. Note that it can take up to 90 days for seedlings and first sprouts to appear.

3. Transfer Into Bigger Containers

You can transplant your Alocasia seedlings into small individual pots when their first true leaves appear. If you dig them up and move them to another pot, be careful not to disturb their root systems to avoid stressing the plants. It may take a few weeks for them to establish themselves.

Water the seedlings before and after transplanting. As your Alocasia plants grow, you’ll need to transfer them to progressively larger pots. Alocasias prefer being slightly pot-bound, so wait until their roots are pushing through their drainage holes or at the soil surface before transferring.

When changing pot sizes, choose a new pot, preferably made of nonporous plastic or ceramic, that’s 1 to 2 inches wider in diameter and slightly deeper than your original pot. Don’t forget to check for root rot every time you transfer Alocasia plants into bigger containers.

How to Repot Alocasia Plants?

Small tabletop varieties of Alocasia plants need repotting every 12 to 18 months, while larger floor plants can be repotted every 18 to 24 months. Depending on how fast your Alocasia grows, you’ll need a new pot that’s 1 to 4 inches larger in diameter than the previous one.

Avoid repotting Alocasia in a container that’s too large, as it could drown the plant’s root system. The best time to repot an Alocasia is when it begins its active growing season in the spring. 

Follow these simple steps on how to properly repot Alocasia plants:

1. Check Your Alocasia’s Roots

Alocasias actually prefer growing under slightly cramped conditions, but you’ll know that it’s time to repot when your plant’s roots become visible on the soil surface or the pot’s drainage holes. Use gloves while handling your Alocasia, and wash your hands when you’re done.

If you observe that your Alocasia plant doesn’t need repotting yet, you can still opt to replenish the plant with fresh soil and return it to the same container. Prepare your Alocasia by watering it one hour before repotting to hydrate its leaves and reduce the risk of damaging fragile roots. 

2. Remove Your Alocasia from the Old Pot

Gently slide your Alocasia out of its previous pot. If it’s stuck, turn the pot sideways or upside down, and lightly tap the sides or bottom of the old pot to loosen up the soil. Remove excess soil around the plant, being careful not to disturb the root system.

Inspect the roots to make sure that they’re white, firm, and healthy, and trim away damaged, dark, and mushy roots with sterilized scissors or a clean, sharp knife. Additionally, check for pest infestations that can damage your plant.

3. Place Your Alocasia in the New Pot

Right after removing, carefully place your Alocasia in a clean and slightly bigger pot filled with a fresh layer of potting soil. Plant it at the same depth as its original pot, and back fill with soil to fully cover the root ball. Gently firm up the soil to collapse air pockets and water your plant well.

When choosing pots for your Alocasia, go for glazed ceramic or nonporous plastic pots, as they can keep the soil moisture even. Clay pots have an advantage as well, as they allow good airflow through the soil, and their heavy weight gives a large Alocasia extra stability.

In addition to repotting, you should rotate your Alocasia periodically to ensure even growth on all sides. Prune away any dead or discolored foliage with a clean knife or pruners. Clean the leaves as well to prevent dust build-up and enable your plant to photosynthesize efficiently. 

What Are the Types of Alocasia Plants? 

The most common and well-known types of Alocasia plants are Alocasia black velvet, Alocasia polly (Alocasia amazonica), Alocasia odora, Alocasia zebrina, Alocasia cuprea, Alocasia cucullata, Alocasia micholitziana, Alocasia longiloba (Tiger Taro), and Alocasia macrorrhiza.

According to North Carolina State University’s Plant Toolbox, there are 80 recognized species of Alocasia plants. More hybrids and new cultivars are being discovered each day, so there’s an ever growing number of Alocasia colors, sizes, leaf shapes, and variegations to choose from.

Pick the perfect Alocasia for your garden or home by browsing through the various types below: 

Alocasia black velvet

Alocasia reginula, also known as “black velvet” and “little queen,” is a stunning variety with dark green foliage that almost looks black, paired with bright white veins, and a dwarf size at around 1 to 2 feet tall. Its broad, heart-shaped, and sun-loving leaves have a rich, velvety texture.

Compared to other Alocasia species, Alocasia black velvet is slow-growing and stays small, making it perfect for indoor spaces. This evergreen plant is native to Southeast Asia and does best in locations that mimic the warm, bright, and humid conditions of the tropics. 

Alocasia polly (Alocasia amazonica)

Alocasia polly features wavy-edged, dark green leaves, creamy white veins, and maroon undersides. It measures 2 feet in both height and width. Its large, waxy, arrowhead-shaped leaves can grow as long as 16 inches. Each of them protrudes from a long, single stem.

This type of Alocasia can grow small, pale white flowers in the wild, but it’s mainly prized for its unique foliage as a houseplant. African mask plant, African shield, and Amazonian elephant ear are other common names for this plant. Alocasia polly can survive year-round indoors.

Alocasia odora

Alocasia odora also goes by the names Asian taro, giant upright elephant ear, and night-scented lily. Under the right conditions, this species can grow between 6 to 8 feet tall, with large, diamond-shaped leaves that resemble teardrops and reach 2 feet long at maturity. 

This Alocasia is indigenous to Japan, China, Taiwan, and other parts of East and Southeast Asia. Its leaves and stems are often used in Asian cuisine, including soups and stir-fried dishes. It got its name, odora, from its flowers that produce a sweet, strong fragrance at night.

Alocasia zebrina

The leggy and zebra-striped stems of Alocasia zebrina are one of the plant’s defining features. It’s one of the most well-known varieties of Alocasia due to its distinctive look. It usually grows to 3 feet tall and is accompanied by elongated, glossy green leaves with no prominent veining.

Alocasia zebrina bears orange fruits and sometimes produces flowers in pairs. It originates from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines. This type of Alocasia is a fast grower, but it can be a bit difficult to care for since it’s quite picky about growing conditions.

Alocasia cuprea

Alocasia cuprea, or “red secret,” stands at around 3 feet and is an elegant addition to any home or garden with its metallic foliage that combines the colors red, plum, and dark green. It features stiff and velvety leaves that reach up to 2 feet long, with a deep purple underside. 

This species is native to the jungles of Borneo, and most houseplant enthusiasts consider it a rare and valuable variety of Alocasia. It got its name, cuprea, from the coppery appearance of its leaves, which is uncommon in Alocasia plants. Once mature, its leaves turn dark green.

Alocasia cucullata

Wide, heart-shaped, vibrant green leaves, thick, erect stems, rare bluish-green flowers, and occasional red berries characterize the Alocasia cucullata plant. This clumping species can grow up to 3 feet tall, while its glossy leaves measure 1 foot or more.

This Alocasia is native to Southeast Asia, and it thrives in tropical or subtropical climates. Other names for Alocasia cucullata include hooded dwarf elephant ear, Chinese Taro, Chinese ape, and even Buddha’s hand because of its special shape that resembles a palm. 

In some cultures, this plant is believed to bring good fortune and is often kept in temples.

Alocasia micholitziana

Alocasia micholitziana, also known as “Frydek” and “green velvet,” is famous for its striking, emerald foliage, sharp, white veins, and iconic arrowhead shape. Its leaves have a soft, velvet texture and reach 18 inches long, making it a sought-after centerpiece in many homes.

This type of Alocasia usually produces 4 to 7 leaves, with leafstalks that are mottled brown, reddish, or purple in color. It can also bear up to 4 cream and green colored flowers. Alocasia micholitziana is native to the Philippines, where it grows in shady and damp lowland forests.

Alocasia longiloba (Tiger Taro)

Alocasia longiloba is usually called “tiger taro” because of the prominent white or silver veins on its deep grayish-green leaves. As its name suggests, this plant has long arrowhead or V-shaped foliage with a purple underside, and its leaves sit on mottled chocolate-brown stalks.

This variety of Alocasia grows to around 3 to 4 feet tall outdoors in warm climates. As an indoor plant, it may be a little shorter. Alocasia longiloba rarely flowers, but when it does, its blooms are similar to a peace lily, with a white or green spathe. It bears tiny round orange fruits as well.

Alocasia macrorrhiza

Also known as “giant taro,” Alocasia macrorrhiza is one of the largest species of Alocasia that you can grow as a houseplant. Because of its size, it’s also commonly found in gardens. This Alocasia reaches up to 15 feet in height, with enormous leaves measuring 3 to 4 feet long. 

Unlike the foliage of other varieties, Alocasia macrorrhiza’s thick, glossy lime-green leaves point skywards, and they’re held upright by thick, sturdy stalks. Its rhizomes are edible after cooking, which is why this Alocasia is widely cultivated in the tropics as a potato-like substitute.

What Are the Characteristics of Alocasia Plants?

Alocasia plants are famous for their massive and magnificent leaves, resembling elephant ears, that come in a variety of colors, patterns, and textures. Most of them also have slender stems, green and white flowers, red and orange fruits, and underground rhizomes.

These plants are herbaceous perennials that belong to the Araceae family and are native to the tropical regions of Asia and Australia. They thrive in warm, moist, and humid environments similar to their natural habitat. Learn more interesting Alocasia plant characteristics below:

Alocasia Leaves

The most recognizable feature of Alocasia plants is their large, lush, and vibrant arrow-shaped or heart-shaped leaves that can reach up to 3 feet long. Their colors can range from deep green to silvery, metallic, or even purple, with glossy, matte, or velvety finishes.

Alocasias can have a solid green color, or they can be variegated, with white or silvery streaks, stripes, or bordered leaf patterns. Alocasia leaves aren’t just attractive, they’re functional, too. They serve as natural umbrellas, as they capture and funnel rainwater toward the plant roots.

Alocasia Stems, Fruits, and Flowers

These plants have long and sturdy stems, which can be plain or patterned, like the Alocasia zebrina, which has black and brown striped stems. Alocasias grow from underground rhizomes, which you can divide to create new plants. Growing Alocasias from seeds is also possible.

Alocasias aren’t showy, but they’re capable of producing lovely cream-colored flowers under the right conditions. Blooms have a green spadix and white spathe, similar to peace lily flowers. They also bear small, fleshy, berry-like fruits, which are often bright orange or reddish in color.

Alocasia Sizes

The foliage of an Alocasia can spread as wide as 1 to 4 feet as houseplants and 2 to 10 feet when grown outdoors, depending on the species. When it comes to height, small and medium varieties of Alocasia reach 1 to 3 feet, while large varieties grow as tall as 4 to 6 feet.

In their native tropical habitats, Alocasia plants tower as high as 8 to 15 feet. 

Alocasia Uses and Benefits

Alocasias are prized for their massive size and magnificent foliage that add exotic beauty to any home or garden. As such, they’re primarily grown as potted houseplants or ornamental plants in beds and borders. Plant enthusiasts also delight in collecting diverse-looking Alocasia cultivars.

Like many other houseplants, Alocasia plants help improve indoor air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Their leaves filter out harmful air pollutants as well. 

In some cultures, Alocasias are considered symbols of luck and are used in rituals and traditions. The stems and corms of some varieties can be eaten after being completely cooked to destroy the toxic calcium oxalate crystals, according to NC State Extension.

How to Propagate Alocasia Plants

Root or rhizome division is an easy and simple way to propagate plants like Alocasia. This task is best done in the spring or early summer when plants are in their active growing season, as it results in faster root development for your new Alocasias.

1. Carefully dig your Alocasia out of its pot using a trowel, shake off the excess soil, and select sections of the rhizome with their own root clumps to divide.

2. Gently tease the roots apart to separate new sections from the mother plant, but leave the root system of each section intact.

3. Cut off chunks of the rhizome with clean pruners or a sharp knife and place them in individual pots with high-quality moist potting mix. 

4. Plant the new rhizomes at the same depth as the mother plant and use similar-sized or slightly smaller pots. 

5. Water your new Alocasias. Keep the pots in a warm location and ensure that the soil stays moist until new sprouts and leaves start to appear in a few weeks.

What Family Do Alocasia Plants Belong to?

Alocasia plants are herbaceous perennials that belong to the Araceae family, according to the University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. They’re native to the tropical regions of Asia and Australia, where sunshine and rainfall are plentiful.

These fast-growing plants are renowned for their big, beautiful foliage, specifically their heart or arrow-shaped leaves that resemble an “elephant’s ear.” Alocasias grow from tubers under the soil. They rarely ever flower, but their blooms are creamy white in color.

Alocasias can have solid or variegated leaves, with shades ranging from gray, green, and silver to maroon and even white. Some varieties have smooth and glossy leaf textures, while others can be velvety.

In warm and humid zones that mimic their natural habitat, Alocasias are a garden favorite. However, there are also many indoor Alocasia varieties that are grown as exotic houseplants. You can grow your potted Alocasias outdoors in the summer and bring them inside in the winter.

How Long Do Alocasia Plants Live for?

An average Alocasia houseplant can live for 3 to 5 years, but with the right care and conditions, Alocasias can survive for up to 15 years or more. Some varieties, like Alocasia macrorrhiza, can thrive for 25 years, developing extensive root systems and taller stems.

Factors that impact Alocasia lifespan include the availability of nutrients, optimal temperature, lighting conditions, and the abundance of water. Droughts, cold seasons, diseases, and competition with other plants can shorten the life of an Alocasia.

The life stages of an Alocasia include seed, small juvenile with 1 to 3 leaves, large juvenile with 4 leaves, and mature Alocasia with over 4 leaves and reproductive capability. 

Many plants experience a rest period every year as part of their natural life cycle. This includes Alocasias, which can go completely dormant, says NC State University.

What Are Common Pest and Plant Diseases for Alocasia Plants?

Alocasia plants are generally hardy and healthy, with no major pest problems to worry about, according to the University of Florida’s Environmental Horticulture Department. 

However, there are a few Alocasia diseases and infestations that can affect the well-being of your plant, such as:

  • Spider Mites: Dusty-looking leaves, fine white webbing, and tiny brown holes are the telltale signs of a spider mite infestation. 
  • Mealybugs: Mealybugs are small sap-sucking insects with white and waxy bodies that infect your Alocasia by sticking and feeding on it.
  • Root Rot: A root-damaging disease caused by soggy soil, poor drainage, or soil fungi.
  • Leaf Spot: A fungal infection characterized by irregular yellow or brown spots, dying foliage, and falling leaves.

You can protect your plant from infestations by wiping its leaves regularly, avoiding overwatering, and using insecticidal soap or neem oil to get rid of pests. To prevent root rot and leaf blight, ensure proper air circulation and always plant in clean, well-draining soil.

How to Tell if an Alocasia Plant Is Not Growing?

You can tell if an Alocasia plant is not growing by looking at its height and the spread of its leaves. Small leaf sizes, thin and leggy stems, no new leaves, and no increase in height and width are a few indicators of poor plant growth.

Alocasia growth rates vary depending on species, but most of them are fast growers. They can reach 8 to 10 feet in height, with leaves up to 3 feet long, according to the University of Illinois. In the summer, these plants may even sprout a new leaf each week! 

Outdoor Alocasias get taller and larger more rapidly than indoor Alocasias. They grow at a rate of 3 to 5 feet per year, while potted Alocasias only grow 1 to 2 feet each year. 

You might notice your plant stop growing or become dormant in the winter. Its leaves can shrivel and die when temperatures drop, which is normal for Alocasia plants. 

Are Alocasia Plants Poisonous?

Yes, Alocasia plants contain calcium oxalate crystals that are poisonous to both people and pets when swallowed or chewed on, according to the National Capital Poison Center.

For humans, harmful side effects of ingesting any part of the plant include irritation of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat, mouth ulcers, and difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms of Alocasia plant poisoning include stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. 

First aid for exposure to Alocasia includes wiping your mouth, rinsing with water to remove plant material, sucking on ice chips for pain relief, and staying hydrated in cases of vomiting.

The Animal Poison Control Center warns that Alocasia is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Symptoms for pets include oral irritation, excess drooling, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, and pain and swelling of the mouth, tongue, and lip area.

If your pet has accidentally consumed Alocasia, contact your veterinarian immediately or call the animal poison control hotline. Flush and rinse your pet’s mouth with water and monitor carefully for signs of swelling, stomach upset, or dehydration.

How to Help an Alocasia Plant Grow?

Signs that your Alocasia is struggling to survive include wilting, drooping, curling, yellowing, or browning leaves. You may also observe distorted growth, spindly stems, brown or black spots, pest infestations, and mushy or damaged roots in a suffering plant.

The best way to help and revive a dying Alocasia houseplant is to address the root cause of the problem and ensure that all of your plant’s basic needs are being adequately met.

For instance, if your plant has drooping leaves, it may be the result of a lighting or watering issue, so consider moving it from a shady area to a spot with brighter, indirect sunlight or adjust your watering schedule if you notice its soil being too dry or too soggy.

Browning leaves can come from a lack of humidity, scorched leaves from too much light, and yellowing leaves from overwatering. Care for your Alocasia by misting it daily, using a sheer curtain to limit sun exposure, and performing the “finger test” regularly to check soil moisture.